Community Band Members can apply for training opportunities
To be eligible clients need a grade 12 diploma and meet the trades criteria. Clients are eligible to receive assistance to obtain a grade 12 diploma of GED.
This program is available to clients who have received employment, but need assistance until they receive their first pay.
Those clients that need a CPIC or employment related training (i.e, First Aid, CPR, WHIMS) may qualify to receive assistance from our program.
This program sometimes known as Job Creation Program. Participants gain on the job skill and possible employment from the employer. Job creation is for clients that have successfully completed training with a trade school and require work experience.
Community members have access to this program if they are wishing to start their own business. Employment & Training are working with Economic Development Department in order to review Business Plans submitted by the client to review eligibility.
Adults returning to school are eligible to receive a credit incentive.